If you've tried using JS Test Runner to integrate your QUnit JavaScript unit tests with Maven you may have noticed that JS Test Runner has a transitive dependency to slf4j-jcl (Simple Logging Facade for Java with Jakarta Commons Logging bridge). This is supposed to be easily fixed by using Maven's dependency exclusions but for some unknown reason this did not work for my project. This resulted in two slf4j appenders being present at the same time, causing a warning from slf4j ("Multiple bindings were found on the class path"). A warning usually isn't too bad of a problem but it caused the Google App Engine to crash locally, making it a blocking issue. I tried manually changing the POM file the Right Way by cloning the Git repository and trying to run `mvn install` on an incremented version of it, but it required GPG and that failed on my Windows 64bit machine ("Sorry, no terminal at all requested - can't get input"). So, out of desperation I "monkey-patched" the current POM (1.0.2) manually to use slf4j-log4j12 (like the rest of my project) instead of slf4j-jcl. This has been working beautifully... but is a blatant hack.
In Summary, if you're having problems with JS Test Runner vis a vis logging you want to manually edit the POM file in your local repository (and document it in your project).